
Prizes and awards

GE has been rewarded many times :

  • Distinguished, January 16th, 2019, as an “inspiring” company, by the London Stock Exchange Group (London stock exchange)
  • Notation @@@ COFACE (Compagniefrancaise pour le commerce et extérieur) (2011,2012,2017 and 2019), expressing an ultimate ability to honor its engagements regarding its customers and suppliers.
  • 1st encouragement award of the Trophée Export 2014, and special prize from the jury of Trophée Export 2018, awarded by the jury of World Trade Center Algiers (WTCA).
  • Award of the production, for optimizing the production device as part of the EURO-development support to Algerian SME/PMI (MEDA I) (November 14th, 2007).
  • The management systems integrated security and safety things (S&ST) -Environment (ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 ,ISO 14001:2015).